April 23, 2009


I have posted on here many times that home visitation is not my strength. And if I'm to be honest with myself, even though it is the number one priority of my PPR, it's not as high as it should be when I sit down and schedule myself for the week.

And reason #1 - I'm a huge introvert. We've been there and talked about this before.

These past two weeks, two very active people in the congregation fell (at different times) and have required surgery. And one of these people in particular is the woman who does SO much behind the scenes that no one even thinks about, until she wasn't there. My own grandma (Babi) was also having her knee replaced.

My own ability to visit them was compromised by the fact that I was at School for Ministry and then came home with the crud... but I discovered/remembered some amazing things about my congregation and my ministry in the meantime.

1) Yes, the PPR puts visitation as my number one priority, but they also have it as the main priority of the congregation.

2) The people in my church know how to look after one another. They have made countless visits and delivered countless meals without being asked and simply because that's what they do.

3) At SFM, some colleagues helped me remember that my calling/vocation gives me permission that no one else has to "intrude" on people's lives - that if the congregation has made that a priority, they are in many ways inviting me to know things others don't know and to see them in vulnerable situations.

4) sitting for 2 hours in a waiting room with someone - even if you have nothing to say - is rewarding ministry.

5) I have never lived in a community or family where people stopped by to visit if you were sick. Living in the country, we weren't that neighborly - at least as kids. There were regularly scheduled Sunday evening visits to my great grandparent's house, and we always came and went from Babi's, but I never learned the art of "dropping in"

6) I was blessed to sit with my Babi for well over four hours in the hospital. I didn't want to leave in part because it was good to catch up and spend that time with her, but also because I didn't want to leave her there alone.

7) I really don't want to leave my church family "alone" either. It is part of my calling to drop in and help them to know that they aren't alone - that we are thinking about them and that God loves them.

8) everytime... and i have to keep reminding myself of this... everytime I "drop in" I am blessed.

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