I've been a HUGE slacker and haven't played with the RevGals for like a month or so.
Here's this week's Friday Five - and feel free to play along in the comments if you want!
The Nativity shown here is the Willow Creek one that I got last Christmas from my mom and dad =)
There are only five full days before Christmas Day, and whether you use them for shopping, wrapping, preaching, worshiping, singing or traveling or even wishing the whole darn thing were over last Tuesday, there's a good chance they will be busy ones.
So let's make this easy, if we can: tell us five things you need to accomplish before Christmas Eve.
1. Christmas Shopping with my hubby. We are going on Monday morning and I pray the roads are good. We have done a little bit of shopping, but have a lot left to buy. We are doing little gifts, and joint gifts (all the siblings going in together) type of things and probably also some homemade goodies.
2. Revising the Family Christmas Program script & finding someone to read the second part. I got very inspired by Kathrine Hawker's "outside the box" liturgies for Christmas Eve - one is a retelling of the Christmas story that includes and vocalizes some of the inconsistencies in how we put together our naitivity scene, but it does so in a way that can be funny and involves kids in costumes. It works nearly perfectly for our "informal pageant" but will need some tweaking for our context and to take a little bit of the skeptical edge off.
3. Scripting our Lessons and Carols Communion service (probably again using some of Hawker's materials with more traditional readings and some of our bishop's Christmas prayer.
4. An unexpected (well, they are always unexpected) funeral tomorrow. It will be a small gathering and prayers for the family who loved her dearly.
5. Wrapping up presents for our many family celebrations. We have gatherings on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Saturday and Sunday next week - PLUS an Epiphany Christmas gathering with my immediate family.
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