September 21, 2011

a day in the life...

7:00am - alarm goes off

8:10am - start thinking about getting out of bed

8:30am - phone conversation with Trustee chairperson about the new shingles for the parsonage roof

8:50am - arrive at church, small talk with folks gathering for the Tuesday morning small group.

9:05am - phone call with Memorial chair about some checks that came in

9:10am - check emails, put checks into envelopes to pay some church bills

9:30am - Tuesday morning small group: food, devotions, prayer, conversation

11:00am - check in with some members of our co-missioned coordinating team to plan event on October 1

11:15am - scripture reading and exploring commentaries to get ready for Sunday

12:00pm - time spent thinking about hymns for Sunday interspersed with facebook (seeing what is going on in colleagues and members lives)
12:15pm - phone call with congregation member about an upcoming wedding

12:50pm - head home for lunch, heat up leftovers and watch an episode or two of Dr. Who

3:30pm - back to church to meet up with a youth... visit with a member and help transport some items being donated to Women at the Well (prison congregation)

4:45pm - conversation on the side of the road to coordinate a visit with some church folk

5:00pm - back home to make dinner: chicken, sauteed musrooms, wild rice

6:45pm - back to church for Lay Leadership meeting

7:10pm - start our meeting with devotions, discuss calling all who serve and changes in our organizational structure

8:10pm - head home. pajamas. computer.

9:30pm - movie with the husband

11:45pm - bed

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